Heidi Swapp Memory Planner Date Sticker Freebie
12:58 PMFor a couple of months at least I've had a Heidi Swapp Memory Planner in my hands but seemed to be planning on doing stuff on in rather than actually doing them so it sat on a shelf for a while until I finally decided it was now or never and started documenting my everyday during May. I thought May was a great month because we had lots going on (Hubs got back from a trip as A and me where leaving for a 2 week trip to visit family as well). I ordered a couple of things to go along with my planner so once I got back I could work on it but the one thing that I couldn't get my hands on was the date stickers. I couldn't, for the life of me, find a place where they where in stock. I don't know what to do. Should I just wait until the come back in stock? ...but I don't want to wait for Lord knows how long! Should I use stamps? ...I'm seriously not a good stamper. The it hit me! DUH! I make my own stickers all the time, why would this be different?